
User Guide


List tasks

List tasks.



Expected outcome:

[D][✓] Submit CS2103T Assignment (by 20 September 2019 11:59PM)
[E][✗] Feed the cat (by 22 September 2019 11:50AM)

Set todo

Set a task to be done


todo <description>

Sets a task with description.

Example of usage:

todo Take a nap

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: 
[T][✗] Take a nap
Now you have <number of tasks> tasks in the list

Set deadline

Set a task with a deadline


deadline <description> /by <date>

Sets a task with description to be done by a certain date.

Example of usage:

deadline Submit CS2103T Assignment /by 20/9/2019 2359

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
[D][✗] Submit CS2103T Assignment (by 20 September 2019 11:59PM)
Now you have <number of tasks> tasks in the list

Set event

Set an event at a certain time


event <description> /by <date>

Sets a task with description to happen at a certain date.

Example of usage:

event CS2103T lecture /at 20/9/2019 1600

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
[E][✗] CS2103T lecture (at 20 September 2019 4:00PM)
Now you have <number of tasks> tasks in the list


Mark task as done


done <index>

Marks a task specified by its index in the list as done

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
1. [E][✓] CS2103 Team meeting (at 20 September 2019 03:00PM)


Filter tasks by their description


find <search parameter>

Sets a task with description containing search parameter.

Example of usage:

find tutorial

Expected outcome:

Here are the matching tasks in your list:
1. [D][✗] Finish CS2100 tutorial (by 19 September 2019 01:00PM)
2. [D][✓] Finish CS2103T tutorial (by 19 September 2019 01:00PM)


Sort tasks by their description or type


sort <sort type>

Sort tasks.

Example of usage:

sort description

Possible sort types: description, type

Expected outcome: Sorted by type